Sustainable ESG
Energy Composite is committed to sustainable development. By installing solar rooftops to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, recycling and reusing pallets to minimize wood and resource waste, and using energy-efficient appliances to lower energy consumption, we demonstrate our commitment to environmental, social, and corporate governance. These measures ensure that Energy Composite continues to pursue sustainable development goals in its long-term operations.
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ESG Sustainability – 37 Key Indicators
E (Environmental).
Carbon emissions, product carbon footprint, environmental impact of financing, climate change adaptation, water resources, biodiversity and land use, raw material procurement, toxic substance emissions and waste, packaging materials and waste, electronic waste, clean technology opportunities, green building opportunities, renewable energy opportunities.
S (Social Responsibility)
Labor management, health and safety, human resources development, supply chain labor standards, product safety and quality, chemical safety, financial product safety, information security and personal privacy, responsible investment, health and population risks, controversial sourcing, communication channels, access to financing, access to healthcare, health and nutrition opportunities.
G (Governance)
Compensation, ownership, accounting and auditing, business ethics, anti-competitive measures, corruption and instability, financial system instability, tax transparency.